8,379 research outputs found

    Engineering and fabrication cost considerations for cryogenic wind tunnel models

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    Design and fabrication cost drivers for cryogenic transonic wind tunnel models are defined. The major cost factors for wind tunnel models are model complexity, tolerances, surface finishes, materials, material validation, and model inspection. The cryogenic temperatures require the use of materials with relatively high fracture toughness but at the same time high strength. Some of these materials are very difficult to machine, requiring extensive machine hours which can add significantly to the manufacturing costs. Some additional engineering costs are incurred to certify the materials through mechanical tests and nondestructive evaluation techniques, which are not normally required with conventional models. When instrumentation such as accelerometers and electronically scanned pressure modules is required, temperature control of these devices needs to be incorporated into the design, which requires added effort. Additional thermal analyses and subsystem tests may be necessary, which also adds to the design costs. The largest driver to the design costs is potentially the additional static and dynamic analyses required to insure structural integrity of the model and support system

    Cylindrical Algebraic Sub-Decompositions

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    Cylindrical algebraic decompositions (CADs) are a key tool in real algebraic geometry, used primarily for eliminating quantifiers over the reals and studying semi-algebraic sets. In this paper we introduce cylindrical algebraic sub-decompositions (sub-CADs), which are subsets of CADs containing all the information needed to specify a solution for a given problem. We define two new types of sub-CAD: variety sub-CADs which are those cells in a CAD lying on a designated variety; and layered sub-CADs which have only those cells of dimension higher than a specified value. We present algorithms to produce these and describe how the two approaches may be combined with each other and the recent theory of truth-table invariant CAD. We give a complexity analysis showing that these techniques can offer substantial theoretical savings, which is supported by experimentation using an implementation in Maple.Comment: 26 page

    Diversity in Parametric Families of Number Fields

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    Let X be a projective curve defined over Q and t a non-constant Q-rational function on X of degree at least 2. For every integer n pick a point P_n on X such that t(P_n)=n. A result of Dvornicich and Zannier implies that, for large N, among the number fields Q(P_1),...,Q(P_N) there are at least cN/\log N distinct, where c>0. We prove that there are at least N/(\log N)^{1-c} distinct fields, where c>0.Comment: Minor inaccuracies detected by the referees are correcte

    Advanced water iodinating system

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    Potable water stores aboard manned spacecraft must remain sterile. Suitable sterilization techniques are needed to prevent microbial growth. The development of an advanced water iodinating system for possible application to the shuttle orbiter and other advanced spacecraft, is considered. The AWIS provides a means of automatically dispensing iodine and controlling iodination levels in potable water stores. In a recirculation mode test, simulating application of the AWIS to a water management system of a long term six man capacity space mission, noniodinated feed water flowing at 32.2 cu cm min was iodinated to 5 + or - ppm concentrations after it was mixed with previously iodinated water recirculating through a potable water storage tank. Also, the AWIS was used to successfully demonstrate its capability to maintain potable water at a desired I2 concentration level while circulating through the water storage tank, but without the addition of noniodinated water

    Interaction and Expressivity in Video Games: Harnessing the Rhetoric of Film

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    The film-maker uses the camera and editing creatively, not simply to present the action of the film but also to set up a particular relation between the action and the viewer. In 3D video games with action controlled by the player, the pseudo camera is usually less creatively controlled and has less effect on the player’s appreciation of and engagement with the game. This paper discusses methods of controlling games by easy and intuitive interfaces and use of an automated virtual camera to increase the appeal of games for users

    Testing Evaluation of the Electrochemical Organic Content Analyzer

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    The breadboard electrochemical organic content analyzer was evalauted for aerospace applications. An awareness of the disadvantages of expendables in some systems resulted in an effort to investigate ways of reducing the consumption of the analyzer's electrolyte from the rate of 5.17 kg/30 days. It was found that the electrochemical organic content analyzer can result in an organic monitor in the water quality monitor having a range of 0.1 to 100 mg/1 total organic carbon for a large number of common organic solutes. In a flight version it is anticipated the analyzer would occupy .0002 cu m, weigh 1.4 kg, and require 10 W or less of power. With the optimum method of injecting electrolyte into the sample (saturation of the sample with a salt) it would expend only 0.04 kg of electrolyte during 30 days of continuous operation

    Flares in Open Clusters with K2. I. M45 (Pleiades), M44 (Praesepe) and M67

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    The presence and strength of a stellar magnetic field and activity is rooted in a star's fundamental parameters such as mass and age. Can flares serve as an accurate stellar "clock"? To explore if we can quantify an activity-age relation in the form of a flaring-age relation, we measured trends in the flaring rates and energies for stars with different masses and ages. We investigated the time-domain photometry provided by Kepler's follow-up mission K2 and searched for flares in three solar metallicity open clusters with well-known ages, M45 (0.125 Gyr), M44 (0.63 Gyr), and M67 (4.3 Gyr). We updated and employed the automated flare finding and analysis pipeline Appaloosa, originally designed for Kepler. We introduced a synthetic flare injection and recovery subroutine to ascribe detection and energy recovery rates for flares in a broad energy range for each light curve. We collected a sample of 1 761 stars, mostly late-K to mid-M dwarfs and found 751 flare candidates with energies ranging from 4⋅10324\cdot10^{32} erg to 6⋅10346\cdot10^{34} erg, of which 596 belong to M45, 155 to M44, and none to M67. We find that flaring activity depends both on TeffT_\mathrm{eff}, and age. But all flare frequency distributions have similar slopes with α≈2.0−2.4\alpha \approx2.0-2.4, supporting a universal flare generation process. We discuss implications for the physical conditions under which flares occur, and how the sample's metallicity and multiplicity affect our results.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, appendix. Accepted to A&

    The cryogenic wind tunnel concept for high Reynolds number testing

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    Theoretical considerations indicate that cooling the wind-tunnel test gas to cryogenic temperatures will provide a large increase in Reynolds number with no increase in dynamic pressure while reducing the tunnel drive-power requirements. Studies were made to determine the expected variations of Reynolds number and other parameters over wide ranges of Mach number, pressure, and temperature, with due regard to avoiding liquefaction. Practical operational procedures were developed in a low-speed cryogenic tunnel. Aerodynamic experiments in the facility demonstrated the theoretically predicted variations in Reynolds number and drive power. The continuous-flow-fan-driven tunnel is shown to be particularly well suited to take full advantage of operating at cryogenic temperatures

    Evaluation and characterization of the methane-carbon dioxide decomposition reaction

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    A program was conducted to evaluate and characterize the carbon dioxide-methane (CO2-CH4) decomposition reaction, i.e., CO2 + CH4 = 2C + 2H2O. The primary objective was to determine the feasibility of applying this reaction at low temperatures as a technique for recovering the oxygen (O2) remaining in the CO2 which exits mixed with CH4 from a Sabatier CO2 reduction subsystem (as part of an air revitalization system of a manned spacecraft). A test unit was designed, fabricated, and assembled for characterizing the performance of various catalysts for the reaction and ultraviolet activation of the CH4 and CO2. The reactor included in the test unit was designed to have sufficient capacity to evaluate catalyst charges of up to 76 g (0.17 lb). The test stand contained the necessary instrumentation and controls to obtain the data required to characterize the performance of the catalysts and sensitizers tested: flow control and measurement, temperature control and measurement, product and inlet gas analysis, and pressure measurement. A product assurance program was performed implementing the concepts of quality control and safety into the program effort
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